Motivational desk frames inspired by the Quran

The Quran is full of gems. The verses, the passages, the chapters, the parables may differ in words and phrases, but they all essentially talk of the same concepts – that we must believe in Allah, rely on Him and follow His commands if we wish to live in peace and contentment.

At Baradari, we have taken some of these concepts, inspired by the Quran, written them in calligraphy, and neatly framed them. You can place these little frames as powerful reminders on your desk or shelf, home or office. Gift them to yourself, or your loved one.


If you believe in “qadr”, you will be able to practise both “sabr” and shukr”

“Qadr” is an Arabic word for destiny, decree, or pre-ordainment. It implies that Allah decreed our destinies before we were born, according to which our lives unfold. Belief in “qadr” is one of the six articles of faith for a Muslim.

“Sabr” is patience. Patience is a deep, profound concept linked to “qadr”. It is practising restraint whether in distress or joy. When hardships visit us, being patient means not giving into anger or anxiety, being calm and practical, and trying our best to resolve our hardship, while placing our trust in Allah. When success or happiness visits us, being patient means not becoming arrogant or disobeying Allah’s command in expressing our joy. Being patient means not being overwhelmed by either sorrow or joy, and continuing to carry out our tasks in this world in the hope that Allah will reward us for them. Sabr is not easy to practise, which is why Allah rewards it highly. But certainly, belief in “Qadr” helps one in being patient, as a person learns to view his/her life in terms of Allah’s Decree and Plan for us. And Allah is, indeed, the Best of Planners.

“Shukr” is gratitude and gratefulness to Allah, and is rooted in the concept of “qadr”. When we realise that Allah desires and plans the best for us, we feel a sense of gratitude, and thus optimism, even in distressing times. Allah has decreed the best for us, and even our seemingly “bad times” are good for us as they make us wiser, stronger and more compassionate human beings. Making us better people is all a part of Allah’s Qadr. Now isn’t that something to feel grateful for?


 ‘Ilm’: Knowledge

‘Amal’: Action/Effort

‘Ilm’ and ‘Amal’ are two sides of the same coin, and one isn’t complete without the other.

Without knowledge, how can we act upon it?

And what use is knowledge if it isn’t followed by action?

The Quran exhorts us to “believe and go good deeds” in order to taste success in this life and the next. Indeed, belief comes from knowledge. But belief alone is not enough for us to achieve success. Our deeds or acts must reflect our belief, which comes from knowledge.

Interestingly, “ilm” and “amal” use the same letters of the Arabic alphabet – “aayeen”, “laam” and “meem”. That’s even a further sign of how the two concepts of knowledge and action are linked.


Usr: Hardship, difficulty

Yusr: Ease, comfort

Allah says in the Quran (Chapter 94:5), “Fa inna ma’al usri Yusra” (“For verily with hardship comes ease.”)

When we encounter blockades in life, Allah also guides us on the way out. If we are facing stress, ease makes its way in too. It’s important to understand that “ease” does not come after, but with, hardship. They don’t exist sequentially, but together, even though one aspect may seem to overpower the other at some points. But eventually, difficulties do get eased out. Ease starts coming in, even though you don’t realise it in the midst of hardship. In fact, your own courage and efforts to deal with the hardship is a sign of ease given by Allah. So, put your trust in Him and hope for the best.